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Every Brilliant Thing


by Duncan Macmillan with Jonny Donahoe

directed by Molly Karrasch

April 26 - May 19, 2024

Thursday-Saturday at 8 pm
Sunday, April 28 and May 19 at 2pm
Sunday, May 5 and 12 at 5pm

Post-Show Talkbacks: Friday, May 3 & 17
With guests from NAMI and Integral Care


Every Brilliant Thing  will be performed on the Austin Playhouse Studio Stage.


You're six years old and your mom's in the hospital because, as your dad says, she "finds it hard to be happy." You start making a list for her of all the wonderful things in life. No. 1 "ice cream" No. 6 "rollercoasters" No. 517 "Knowing someone well enough to get them to check your teeth for broccoli" Every Brilliant Thing is a heart wrenching and hilarious one-man play told with the help of the audience*. Together, they learn how to achieve hope by focusing on the smallest miracles of life.

*This production is performed with the help of the audience in whatever capacity you wish. All interactions are opt-in and create a collaborative, joy-filled experience for all. The production may be enjoyed with or without directly participating.

Audience advisory: Audience members must be 13 or older. No children under 13 will be admitted. The play contains frank discussions of depression and suicide.

run dates & times

Thursday - Saturday at 8pm and Sunday at 2 or 5pm

Group discounts are available for groups of 10 and up.

artistic team


Stage Manager

Costume Designer:

Lighting Designer:

Scenic Designer:

Sound Designer:

Molly Karrasch*

James Davery

Diana Huckaby*

Mark Novick*

Mike Toner*

Robert S. Fisher*


Joseph Garlock

*Austin Playhouse Artistic Company Member


Support for the Austin Playhouse 24th Season comes from KMFA.

Box Office
Performance Venue: Austin Playhouse West Campus
405 W. 22nd St.
Austin, TX 78705

Mailing Address: Austin Playhouse P.O. Box 50533 Austin, TX 78763

Copywright 2022, Austin Playhouse. All Rights Reserved.
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